Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Use Bookkeeping Templates to Make Accounting Easier!

Need some bookkeeping templates? Use these free samples to simplify your accounting processes and save money for your small business.

Small business bookkeeping templates are valuable additions to the desk of an entrepreneur or office manager in even a medium-sized business that is working to establish an accounting department. Using free sample accounting forms lets you organize your company's finances while saving money. Take accounting and bookkeeping classes, and gather enough information to use and customize all your forms so that they reflect the needs of your individual business.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Filing for Unemployment in New York

New York's Department of Labor has some strict guidelines for filing for jobless benefits, but you can file online as long as you have all of the information that you need.

What do you need to file online?

  • Social Security Number or Alien Registration Card Number
  • New York Driver's License or ID Card Number
  • Information about your previous employer, including EIN and contact information
  • Routing info for your bank if you want direct deposit.
When Will You Start Getting Benefits?

Even if you file the moment that you lose your job, it will be at least a week before you start getting benefits, since NY has a one-week unpaid wait period. After that, if your application takes longer for approval, you'll receive past benefits as soon as it is approved.

Your best bet: File for unemployment right away, even if you think you have another job lined up. Worst case scenario: You have to decline benefits because you have another job.

Quick DIY Credit Repair Tips

So you finally bit the bullet and checked your credit score... and now you wish you hadn't. All those over-the-limit credit cards have really brought your score down, but you need it higher to qualify for a loan or even a new apartment lease. What now? It's time for some quick credit fixes:

Quick Fix One: Pay Down That Debt! Don't close your existing accounts, just pay down the balances. The further you are from the credit limit, the better your score will be.

Quick Fix Two: Pay Your Bills! OK, so it's not very quick, but it's something you can start doing right this minute. You can create a monthly bill-paying chart if you have trouble remembering to pay the bills, or set up an auto-debit to your bank account, but you absolutely must pay your credit card bills on time if you want your credit score to go up.

Quick Fix Two: Dispute any incorrect information on your credit report. Go through it carefully, line-by-line, to make sure that all of the accounts are correct, any documented late payments are correct, and that the current balances are correct. Dispute incorrect information, and your score will improve when the issue is resolved.