Friday, June 26, 2009

Are Keyword Spammers Stealing your Online Income?

Most of us know what keyword spamming is: The relatively harmless, if a bit unethical, placing of random, highly searched, keywords in hidden areas of a webpage in order to get more traffic. Well, if you weren't already aware, there is another version of keyword spamming that will steal those eHow profits (and other residuals as well) that you worked so hard to create.
So, how do you know if you are being victimized? Unfortunately, there's no quick and easy way to catch those keyword thieves. In order to protect your online income, you will have to manually check each and every article you have published to see if traffic is being stolen.

1. Remember those Google searches you did when you were researching the keyword to begin with? It's time to go back and do it again, just a bit differently. This time, you are searching for the exact title of your article. Make sure you put quotes around it!

Custom Search

2. Look at the results- if you see any results other than your article that quote your title and the text of your article, you may be the victim of keyword spamming!

3. Doublecheck to make sure that they aren't backlinks to your article. If you open the page, and there is no reference to your actual article, they've stolen your keywords and probably a good chunk of your profit!

OK, so you've found out your keywords are being stolen- what do you do about it? Report them to Google, and get their page pulled. I know, there should be a greater penalty, but that's really all anyone can do!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder. Sometimes online writers don't realize that our words are copyrighted. It is important that we continue to protect what we create!
