Monday, July 27, 2009

Avoid Burnout when Working from Home

Working at home may seem like a position that is immune to burnout, but if you aren't careful, you may end up spending a whole lot of time doing nothing. When you're burned out, it's hard to concentrate. When you're unable to concentrate, you don't get as much work done. In addition, the work you do get done is of poorer quality. In order to prevent burnout and overload, make sure you separate your work time from the rest of the day, and set a schedule to follow.


When you work a regular 9-5 job, it is easy to tell when it's time for work and when it's time to relax. When you work from home, however, there tends to be an overlap. While this can inject more relaxation into your workday, as you lounge in your recliner with your laptop, you may also find that it brings work into areas that should be reserved for family or relaxation time.

Although it may seem difficult, try to set work hours for yourself. At the least, set aside times during the day when you are forbidden to do any work. It may seem like a golden opportunity to finish up that last article of the day, but the dinner table is no place for a laptop. If you don't set aside relaxation and rest times for yourself, you may find yourself working from morning until night, but still not getting much done.

Create A Space

If you can, designate an area of your home as your work area. A home office, or even a corner of the kitchen table with a cup of pencils, and your laptop, can make you feel more productive.

Setting Goals

Set goals for the day- and quit once you meet your goals. Don't set your goals too high- make them realistic and achievable. Know how much time you will have available during the day, and how much you should be able to accomplish, and plan accordingly.

Pat Yourself On The Back

Reward yourself when you are consistently meeting your goals. Take breaks, enjoy a nice cup of coffee, and maybe even watch some tv. Get a good night's sleep, and don't forget to take a day off at least once a week!


  1. I can totally relate to the feeling of burnout! Sometimes I feel like I'm getting nothing done while spending my entire day online "working".


  2. Exactly... I find that getting organized, and setting aside specific times to work, really helps. :)

  3. An insightfull post on Avoid Burnout when Working from Home.And I would like to say that I'm living my dream of owning my own business and working from home earning equally or more than the regular jobs by using


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